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Sojourner Truth Chris Higgins

Matching search ads with consumer journey

When you start researching something you want to buy, you need one set of information. Mostly high level - what is important and what to avoid? Who offers the product? Is it worth getting at all?

When you shortlist a few brands, your information requirements change. Which one has the features you want? Which features don’t matter to you? What are the reviews like - both professional and user generated? What are the costs and payment options?

As a consumer, you know that as you move through a purchase journey your needs and approach change. But as a marketer, so often you have one set of search campaigns running, with the expectation that a user should search, click, and convert. All in one go.

Start creating different audiences: New users who aren’t in contact with you. People who have already clicked on your ad / browsed your website. People who have already added to cart, or are speaking to sales. For all of these, the keywords might be similar, although they probably become more specific or feature driven as you move through the journey. The ad copy, and landing pages should definitely be different.

Test it out.
